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Hand Outs

01 - Cervical and Vulvar Cancer – Joannie Neveu

02 - Vulvar Disease and Colposcopy – Robert Kennedy

03 - Urogynecology – Kristin Wadsworth

04 - Infertility – Alannah Smith

05 - Endometriosis, Chronic Pelvic Pain and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding – Olga Bougie

06 - Gestational Hypertension and Fetal Growth Restriction – Harrison Banner

07 - Infections in Pregnancy – Jeffrey Wong

08 - Gynecologic Infections – Jeffrey Wong

09 - Uterine Cancer – Samantha Dubé

10 - Ovarian Cancer – Vishaal Gupta

11 - Prenatal Diagnosis (Screening, Preconception Counseling, Teratology) – Kirsten Niles

12 - Medical Complications in Pregnancy (Part 1) – Jillian Coolen

13 - Medical Complications in Pregnancy (Part 2) – Jennifer Hunt

14 - Too Early or Too Late: Precocious Puberty and Primary Amenorrhea – Maria Kielly

15 - Steroid Biosynthesis Function and Anovulation, PCOS, Hirsutism – Jason Elliott

16 - Multiple Pregnancy – Sheryl Choo

18 - Menopause and Hormone Therapy – Michelle Jacobson

19 - Contraception – Ashley Waddington

20 - Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia – Lua Eiriksson

22 - Statistics – Jennifer Hunt


Expanded Program:

26 - Gender Inclusive Obstetrics & Gynecology Care and Medicolegal Considerations – Fiona Mattatall (will be uploaded soon)

27 - HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer – Karla Willows (will be uploaded soon)

28 - Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunization – Jeffrey Wong